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Purpose and Overview

The Ministry of Finance was created by an Act of the National Legislature, vested in HRH Grand Duke Thomas II for the Republic of Aquitaine, authorizing it to manage, direct and coordinate the financial affairs of the Non State Sovereign Entity. It is mandated to collect revenue; engage in loan arrangement, disburse Government funds, and service the National Debt.

Minister of Finance

The Minister of Finance shall be charged with the following duties:

  1. To effectively and efficiently manage the financial resources of the Republic; be the depository of Government funds and of all indicia to title of assets of Government

  2. To administer the revenue program of the government, including supervision of the collection of the revenues

  3. To report the financial activities and financial position of the Government to the Grand Duke and the Legislature

  4. To maintain the central accounting records of the Government and prescribe for all Government agencies of accounts reporting and documentation necessary to safeguard the assets of the Government

  5. To formulate fiscal policies for financial planning

  6. To disburse Government funds in accordance with legislative appropriations

  7. Generally to perform all such services relative to the government finances as are required by law.


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